Streamlining emails
If you have multiple Way We Do accounts, you may have noticed you’ve been getting fewer email notifications in the past week.
On Oct 24, we introduced a new approach to how Way We Do sends out notifications, consolidating the four different daily reminders into a single email. This means less email clutter (and who doesn’t want that?), while still letting you see what notices relate to your different accounts.
Those of your team who’ve been invited to collaborate in Activated Checklist instances or to review a procedure will still get an individual email to let them know what they need to complete and when.
A little cosmetic work
You may also have noticed a little aesthetic improvement as well. We figured, while we’re already under the knife, why not give ourselves an extra treat? Here’s a sneaky little peek at the new look.
Edit toolbar to amplify your Decision Points
On the subject of Activated Checklists, we’ve also added a new feature to the Decision Point explanatory text: An Edit toolbar. Now you can format text, and add images, videos, links and files to enhance extra instructions and processes. We can’t take all the credit for this idea, either. We’ve created this enhancement after several Way We Doers have asked for it. In fact, one company wants to use it as part of their Factory Acceptance Test processes.
Default reset for procedure editing
Another request we’ve actioned has been making “Open link in new window” the default option when you’re editing a procedure. We’ve noticed in our own team that this tends to be the most used, so making it the default will hopefully speed things up that little more, and make them a little easier.
Like it?
If you haven’t already discovered these new features, give them a try and tell us what you think. And of course, if you need any help making them work for you, or have ideas for refinements, just reach out to