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Loom Video Embeds Now Available in Way We Do

Using Way We Do

My very first Loom was almost two years ago and I was instantly hooked with this new platform for video screencasts, sales and support messages. At the time, I was using a desktop-based app called Camtasia to create video screencasts (which was and still is excellent software); however, the browser-based experience of Loom made it easier to jump on and record my onscreen demonstrations of Way We Do. You may have seen some of our Loom videos on YouTube.

Despite there being limitations to Loom at the time, the minimum viable product was still more accessible, and in what appeared to be a promise of things to come, they released a desktop app to record high-definition video to automatically upload into the web-based account. Soon they will be releasing a team account version, which is what we need for our team at Way We Do.

Our customers love placing videos into their procedures and processes, and after one organization in particular requested that we make Loom videos available within Way We Do’s “Insert Video” function, we knew we had to support this.

We have now incorporated support for Loom in our latest development release.

To embed a Loom video into a Way We Do procedure, or the instruction panel of an Activated Checklist, simply copy the video URL and paste it into the “Insert Video” modal from the procedure edit toolbar. The video automatically embeds, and it’s so easy to do.

You too can create video procedures for your team and embed them into your Way We Do documents and workflow.

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