1-minute read
Getting things done just got even easier, with these three neat productivity hacks and tricks we’ve integrated with Way We Do.
Update on the go
Are your staff on the road or in the field more than they’re in the office? If they’re using a tablet or smart phone, they can use their device’s speech-to-text functionality to update activated checklists right there and then. No need to wait until they’re back in the office.
Check out this 3-minute vid on how to do it.
Working side by side
Getting tired of having to switch between your document and your Way We Do screen when you’re using an Activated Checklist? Snap in to this nifty productivity hack: Open your non-Way We Do app into your Way We Do window and manage both together.
Watch how (in under 3 minutes).
Decisions, decisions
We’re pretty excited about our new Decision Points functionality in activated checklists. But did you know you could also use it in corrective action applications, like performing assessments, managing compliance, and streamlining multi-stage processes?
Here’s a demo on how to unlock yet another power tool for your business.
What Way We Do productivity hacks do you use to boost your business? Share them with us at support@waywedo.com or share below using Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.