To ensure there is brand consistency across email signatures in your organisation, the “Setup Your Email Signature in Gmail” procedure will help you achieve that. This document assists the people in your business to independently setup their email signature within Gmail (if your business uses Google Business Apps).
You can personalise this document by replacing the token “[Your Company]” with your business name. Other tokens are included such as company details, fonts, colours and size. You are able to edit the document to reflect what is most relevant to your business. Remove or add content as deemed necessary.
The “Setup Your Email Signature in Gmail” procedure is recommended to be included within the IT and Induction sections of your Company Manual.
If your business does not use Google Business Apps, visit the IT category in the Way We Do market place to search for other email signature related procedures for other email programs. If your program is not listed, please let us know and will consider it as part of the procedure content roadmap.
Word count: 646