Get the most out of Way We Do with so many choices of integrations and add-ons.


6 Benefits of Way We Do Integrations

Known Tools

Use Way We Do with tools you are already using for your business to streamline processes and make work easier.

Better Together

Useful business services and tools work better together to increase engagement and functionality throughout your organization.


You have complete control of information since your security settings are maintained in Way We Do and across all other applications.


Trigger procedures, policies and checklists to be sent to the right person at the right time.

Data Flow

Automatically send data recorded within Way We Do to other applications so it can be used and accessed organically.


Create a seamless workflow for your team to achieve maximum efficiency and consistency.

Anything Is Possible

Way We Do is already a versatile workflow solution, and with integrations the possibilities are endless!

Integration with 1,000+ Applications

Using Zapier and Microsoft Flow as 3rd party connectors, Way We Do integrates with many popular web applications on the market today to help you streamline systems and processes.

Way We Do's Dashboard
  • Every business needs Way We Do to for training and workflow management

    Direct Integration with Cloud Storage

    Way We Do offers easy integration with Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and so you can link your procedures with required documents and files in your cloud storage and they will always be up to date in Way We Do.

  • Custom Integrations

    Work with the Way We Do team or Partners to customize integrations with your favorite apps. Contact us for more information and to get started.

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